Sizzle me timbers! And in other matters, sketch submission sites.

Bacon, Cassette, Fried, Model, Pin-up, Portfolio, Sizzle, Sketch, Submissions, Tape
Sizzle, sizzle, bacon twizzle.
I really like drawing pin-ups. I don’t know why this is. I do know I played with Barbies until I was 11(…ok 13. But who’s counting, right?). I find them fun to do. Almost as much fun as my new obsession…sketch websites. Oh yes. The ones where you have a daily or a weekly or a fortnightly or a yearly topic and everyone sends in their sketches and then it’s a whole barrel load of fun where you get to comment and like and look at eveybody’s submissions. I love them. Which brings me to my next obsession…portfolio stalking. 
Yep. I love spending hours and hours and hours trawling around on the internet looking for other artists and going through their portfolio books to see what they’re at. I can’t tell you how excited I get when I find one that I really like. I get really inspired by it and I also like the feeling of connecting with other people who are as obsessed with drawing as I am. I think I should have a secret second occupation as a talent agent, I’m that good at unearthing. Maybe something to think about…
Anyway! Yes. Today’s post. Based on this week’s theme for Illustration Friday (which is kind of cool and I think it might be one of my new favourites). You can find them here: or you can check out their partner website Illustration Age at: I also love sketchdailies, but even though they have a website (, it’s actually much more fun on their twitter feed, where you can see the sketches and artwork rolling in on a minute by minute basis. It’s like Christmas come early if you’re a portfolio sleuth (!) like me. 
This week’s topic for Illustration Friday was Sizzle…and feeding into my current obsession with drawing long-lashed girls straight from the chorus line at the Copacabana (it’s a real thing) I decided to draw a pin-up. Wrapped in bacon. Even though I don’t personally eat Oink Oink or Moo, I am still partial to a bit of bacon-y smelling goodness. Happy Tuesday!

Sizzle Close-Up