Mini update…Chinese Opera!

Beauty, Beijing Opera, Cantonese Opera, Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Opera, Costume, Hong Kong, Make-up, Opera Masks, Peking Opera, Theatre
It seems to me that 2014 is going to be a year of obsessing over things that I just HAVE to draw. I haven’t been this prolific in a long time, despite working full-time and having a crazy commute to and from work.
My latest thing is Chinese opera. It’s taken me a while to get to know Hong Kong properly, and I think for the first time I can say that I do love it. It is a very exciting and interesting city to live in, and I will be sad to say goodbye whenever I do leave. There’s so much colour, everywhere! And reference materials all right there on my doorstep. Temples, pagodas, markets, ponds, koi, parks, boats, statues…I’m realising how much I do want to study and accomplish before I move on, so I know that I’ve made the best of this amazing opportunity to gather my thoughts and get my work together. 
Cantones, Chinese, Peking, Beijing Opera, Opera Masks, Chinese Masks, Chinese Mask illustration, Claire O'Brien, Claire O'Brien Illustration
I don’t really have much to show yet, but I drew these guys up last night and I was so pleased with them I just wanted to share them. They’re not exact or even close adaptations of actual masks – I wanted to explore with colour and shapes so I put my own spin on them instead. I really like the idea of doing a series and I want to see if I can make some full-blown illustrations based on the performers themselves (along with the huge list of things I’ve already decided to draw). 
Hopefully I’ll have more to post up soon 😀

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